Sunday, May 31, 2020

This channel is all about dog, Testing My Dog Reaction To Soap - Puppy and dogs behaviour Training.

This channel is all about dog, Puppy and dogs behaviour, Training and reactions of Various Dogs, medium sized dogs, emotional support animal, golden retriever rescue, 
german shepherd rescue, caucasian mountain dog, pit bull terrier,service dog vest, 
dog friendly, swiss mountain dog, world wide web for dogs, boston terrier rescue, 
meet and greet, best dog names, easy walk harness, small breed dogs, puppy dog eyes, service dog training, car seat cover, dog nail clippers, spanish water dog, large breed dogs, cat and dog, gluten free food, therapy dog training, open world games, german shepherd mix, dog day care, border collie mix, low maintenance dogs, mom and dad dog, animal care center, dog body language, pomeranian husky mix, emotional support dog, german shepherd dog, good apartment dogs, dog and cat, 
american bulldog rescue, australian shepherd breeders, pomeranian chihuahua mix, 
search and rescue dog, boy oh boy dog, insulated dog house, dog training classes, cell phone service, good family dogs, great pyrenees dog, mixed breed dogs, new born baby, indoor dog park, seeing eye dogs, local animal shelters, sweet baby jesus, 
different dog breeds, shih tzu mix dog, hit or miss, animal dog poison control, good dog food, pit bull puppy, low energy dogs, schnauzer poodle mix, limited ingredient dog food, low cost vet, family and friends dogs, dog bite statistics, most aggressive dogs, australian shepherd dog, miniature american shepherd, dog bike trailer, best hypoallergenic dogs, lab mix puppies. dog training videos, mix breed dogs, high protein food, pet insurance companies, dog insurance, small animal hospital ,dog friendly stores, good guard dogs, biggest pet peeves, great dane mix, lab collie mix, 
jack russell mix, psychiatric service dog,  local pet stores, service dog laws, gluten free dog food, animal control officer, free dog food, small dog syndrome, australian cattle dog, rat terrier mix, heart and home, pit bull mix, dry dog food, livestock guardian dogs, canned dog food, cocker spaniel mix, pet supply stores,  australian cattle dogs, wet dog food, wet dog, wet cat food, dog beds, puppy mill rescue, best guard dog, collie lab mix, nearest animal shelter, off leash dog park, prescription dog food, crazy dog lady, black lab mix, pet friendly stores, pit bull terrier mix, personal protection dogs, designer dog breeds, beagle shepherd mix, pet store puppies, portuguese water dogs, autism service dogs, emotional support dogs, face and body, 
animal rights laws, collar and leash, cocker spaniel dog, first time dog owner, 
small business owner,  pet supply store, vet tech school, baby and dog, german shepard mix, cattle dog rescue, seattle purebred dog rescue, dog training school, 
big black dog, pointer lab mix, korean dog breeds, dog and baby, small fluffy dogs, 
pet food store, husky pit mix, mixed breed puppies, bull terrier mix, dog gps tracker, local animal shelter, big dog breed, creepy little girl, new baby gift, stupid pet tricks, pet tricks, large dog breed, long haired dog, cattle dog mix, dog tricks, natural dog shampoo, medium sized dog, first world country dog, st bernard mix, little white dogs, 
car and drive, protection dog training, dog rain coat, great family dogs, dog protection, 
cheap baby toys, medium size dog, big dog barking, animal control services, dog park etiquette, german shepherd breed, wet dog smell, cocker spaniel dogs, fake servicedog, meet and greets, basic dog training, loose leash walking, swiss mountain dogs, report animal cruelty, dog and cats, service dog breeds, staffordshire bull terriers, white fluffy dogs, red heeler mix, terrier dachshund mix, food and water, professional dog trainer, pumpkin baby food,  quality dog food, chocolate lab mix, 
local animal control, caucasian mountain dogs, lab shepard mix, local dog parks, 
special needs dogs, pit bull ban, medium energy dogs,large white dog, rescue french bulldog, county animal control, call animal control, small lap dogs, little dog syndrome, inflammation and cancer treatment for dogs, puppy mill dogs, animal welfare organizations, dog or cat, open world game, small dog backpack, pit bull rescues, my first dog, pit bull breeders, dog rescue groups, jack russel mix, fake service dogs, dog heartworm medication, corn free dog food, yellow lab mix,  guide dog training, newberg animal shelter, blue heeler breed, high energy dogs, goodbye old friend, purebred dog rescue, , animal abuse cases, little black dog, dog training courses,  dog, pink baby blanket, dog chicken bones, small breed dog, cheapest dog food, local pet store, dutch shepherd mix, dog eat poop, golden retriever pup, pet food industry, pet store dogs, feel good story,  service dog trainer, bad dog behaviour, rescue dog home, new dog needs, student vet nurse, other pet supplies, sleep and creep, a dog walker, human and dogs, house and property,  dog new tricks, dog and handler, dog cairn terrier, food and supplies, dog yorkshire terriers.

This channel is all about dog, Testing My Dog Reaction To Soap - Puppy a...

Friday, October 14, 2016


Creating an amazing blog post takes a lot of work. A very necessary part of the process is done AFTER the writing and the posting. You have to PROMOTE it!

As with any blog post, you spend many hours doing all that you can to polish it and make it ready for your readers. You research, write, edit and write some more. All of your blog images are ready to go.

Finally, you feel that everything possible has been done, so you hit the PUBLISH button and wait. Well, guess what! If you want readers to actually see your post, you still have a lot of work to do.

You have to let the world know that you HAVE a blog post and that you have a BLOG. That takes PUBLICITY. You have to expose the world to your blog. You have to promote your post.

Promoting your blog post in every way that you can assures that readers know that it exists and that your blog exists.

Here are 13 great ways to promote your post:

1. Send an email to everyone on your email list

You know that email list that you work so hard to cultivate? Well, now it's time to use it. Email everyone on your list and tell them that you have published a new blog post! I am always surprised at how much traffic this one step brings to my blog. If people are interested enough to subscribe to your blog, then it makes sense that they would want to know when you post a new blog post.

2. Include a link to your new post in the newsletter

Showcase the new blog post in the newsletter that you send to your subscribers. Although you have already told them about it in an email, sometimes these things are ignored or overlooked, so send it again in the newsletter.

3. Create amazing social media images

Not only must you create stunning images to go with your blog post, but you also need to create the images for all of your social media: Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Go ahead and get all of these done at once. This will help your publishing to go much quicker. Creating each image in the optimal size for each social media platform is important so you don’t have to go back and resize everything when you are ready to post.

4. Share on on your own Pinterest boards and group boards

Make your pin description as full of information as possible and use Rich Pins. This will attract more readers to your pin, and ultimately, to your blog. When you create your pin, double-check to be sure that your URL is correct. You surely don't want to steer your viewers to a blank page!

If you belong to any Pinterest group boards, share your post there. A Pinterest group board is a board that many people share and is an effective way to expose your pin to many viewers at once.

5. Tweet about it!

Twitter is a fast-moving vehicle of information. Sharing your post on Twitter is different from sharing it on Pinterest or on Facebook. With Twitter, you should share your post multiple times to make sure that it is seen by as many people as possible.

Share it several times on the day that you post it onto your blog, share it the next day and the day after that. You want to expose it to as many viewers as possible. If you use a tweet-scheduling tool like Buffer, now is the time to schedule future tweets about your blog post.

6. Share your post on your Facebook page

Facebook doesn’t seem to have the reach that other social media platforms have, but it won’t hurt to get your post exposed to as many readers as possible.

7. Share it in your Facebook groups

marble pink desktop full, horizontal

8. Schedule future pins for Pinterest

Schedule your post to be pinned on Pinterest again in the coming days. Personally, I use CoSchedule for this, but there are many other apps such as Tailwind or Hootsuite that can do this for you.

9. Share your post in Link Parties

There are many bloggers who host Link Parties. You can link new post to their party to have it seen by many people. This is a great way to increase the number of views who see your blog.

10. Link to other posts on your blog

Link to any posts on your blog that are relevant to the subject matter of your new post. This gets people clicking around on your site and keeps them there longer.

11. Share your post with with any person or company that you have mentioned in the post

Email anyone that you have referenced in your post and let them know that they have been mentioned in your article. If they have a blog or a website, they may mention the post or link to it which will help with page views and get more people to your blog.
12. Link to any other websites or blogs that are in some way relevant to your post

Including a link in your post that references someone else's blog may at first seem a little unorthodox, but if you truly want to help your readers and build trust, it is the ideal thing to do.

If someone has written a helpful blog post about the subject that you have written about, go ahead and link to that post so that your reader can garner even more information. Who knows...if you send traffic to another blogger, they may reciprocate and send some traffic your way!

13. Go ahead and schedule your posts to be recirculated in the weeks and months to come

Continually promoting your posts, both old and new, has a funny way of working…it’s sort of like compound interest…the more you promote, the more pageviews and engagement grow.

Your amazing post needs YOU to introduce it to the world and to keep it alive. Promote, share, and send it wherever you can to expose it to as many viewers as possible. Keeping your blog posts in front of your audience will not only save it from getting lost in the shuffle, but it will also keep your readers interested and sharing, and ultimately coming back to your blog.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

How To Move Customers From Email To Text Message Lists

Five Easy Tips To Move Customers From Email Lists To Text Message Lists

Five Easy Ways To Move Customers From Email To Text Message Lists

This past week I received a number of questions from our customer service department. A number of customers have called in with an interesting question.

They are small business owners who have built an email list…
But they have a problem.

They’ve spent a ton of time and money identifying prospects and customers and adding them to an email list.

They’ve been doing everything the email marketing gurus say.

They’ve been sending regular emails… they’ve been writing great content…. they focus on keywords and links… they craft headlines and great calls to action… they split test subject lines and work on their copywriting.

Despite this constant effort and work, they still have very low engagement rates.

Their email open rates are under 20%... and click rates hover around 1% if they are lucky.

They know text message marketing gives off a much greater engagement rate with a lot less effort…. It’s much easier to write 160 characters and get a read rate of 90% - 94%!

So the million dollar question… how do you move the people from your email list over to your mobile marketing list?

It’s a great question… and I have a few ideas.

First, let me help you right off the bat.

Add a signup form to collect smartphone numbers right on your website.

Think of it… you’re already spending money to advertise online… and you get traffic to your website… you might as well hit up your site visitors for their email address AND phone number.

This will automatically add people going forward to both your email and your mobile marketing lists. It gives you two bites of the apple!

Just remember to put the correct disclosures on the opt in form and make sure to add the right disclaimers to your website terms of use.

By making that one move, you will start adding people to your mobile marketing list with great speed.

That deals with new people signing up… what do you do about the people already on your email list?

How do you move the people from the email list over to your text message list?

There are three things you need to keep in mind...

First, let people know you have a text message marketing list and they can, and should, sign up… You’d be surprised at how many people already on your list want to hear from you via text message.

If you’re targeting a younger demographic, they may prefer text messages to emails…

Many will sign up just because you have a list!

The second thing to keep in mind… let your email list know if they sign up for your mobile list, they will get something special.

Give them a gift.

Give your mobile marketing prospects and customers something they can’t get elsewhere… something they can’t get on your website or by being on your email list.

Yep - that’s right… play favorites….

Give your mobile marketing prospects and customers something they can’t get any other way.

What do you give them?

It can be anything… but remember to give your customers something they want. Give them...

Information like a free report or guide…

Give them coupon codes or discount…

A link to a video...

Access to an Interview or podcast…

Here’s a great special offer - add people to an early-bird access list! It can be for a new product or special offer… the early bird list is a great carrot to get people signing-up.

Once again the options are limited only by your imagination.

The third thing I want you to remember… Don’t be afraid to remind people repeatedly you have a mobile marketing list. Remind people on your email list over and over again.

If you email your list… do it frequently. Why?

If you have a 10% open rate on your emails… that means 90% of your prospects and customers didn’t see the email!

So don’t be afraid to send out different offers. Remind people over and over again about your mobile marketing list… it will ensure more of your email list sees the offer and has the option to sign up.

One final tip - if you have customers on both email and a mobile marketing list… use them both. Don’t limit yourself to one list or the other. Use them both to really get the best engagement rates.

Remember repetition is reputation!

If you’re looking for answers to your critical questions about mobile marketing…. we wrote a special report. We cover everything about mobile marketing for your business - it’s a must read: “The Ultimate Guide to Mobile Marketing”

You can download it with this link:

Remember Mobile Marketing is a very powerful, and cost effective tool to communicate with your prospects, customers, and employees! Give it a try today.

This article originally appeared on the Betwext blog:

Online Customer Service For Business

4 Misconceptions About Online Customer Service

Ask even the most established e-business about the principles of online customer service, and you’re likely to hear some wild misconceptions. These are four fallacies we’d love to see erased from the industry:

1. Text chat is an adequate way to communicate with every customer, in every situation. Text chat sure is a wonderful tool. For many, many customer interactions, a quick text from a skilled service agent (who might be supporting multiple customers at once) is enough to get the job done and convert a prospect into a purchaser. But for some business-critical situations, text chat is not enough to attract and retain customers.

2. If your business is online, you can’t deliver personal service. E-tailers cannot afford to accept this idea. If you are to entice consumers away from your online and offline competitors, you need to be able to connect with them when they require a personal touch. When a customer needs to hear the voice of your business, see a live rep. or watch a detailed product demonstration, your support system must deliver.

3. First-rate online support is too expensive for the small e-tailer. This is flat out wrong. We can start to dismantle this idea by sharing our free option for real-time multimedia collaboration, but we also need to mention the cost of not offering superior customer support. All the money you put into SEO, advertising and marketing activities is for naught if you can’t help a qualified target convert once he arrives on your site. And if there is inadequate support for product selection, you’ll eat the costs in terms of call center resources or product returns.

4. Customers don’t want to engage with us in any significant way. Yes, your customers are a busy bunch. They shop online – at least in part – because it is quick and convenient. But wandering around your site unguided and unsupported is frustrating. If website visitors cannot easily access a knowledgeable rep. to help them when they need assistance, they’ll bounce. Let your customers and prospects engage with you on their terms and at the level of support they need, and you’ll see the returns in conversion and sales rates.

6 Reasons Why Businesses Still Need Social Media Marketing

6 Reasons Businesses Need Social Media Marketing

In order for a business to grow quickly, they need to be able to reach a wide target audience as soon as possible. Without an active social media presence, your business is doomed to fail. Research shows nearly 2 in 3 adults use social media. By not tapping into the potential of social media, marketing yourself to potential leads and customers becomes a lot more cumbersome.

Here are 6 ways in which social media marketing can benefit a business.

Social Media Gives You a Wider Reach

With social media, it’s easy to market your services to a large population. And not only does social media allow you to reach out to more people; it even lets you determine the kind of audience to whom you wish to market yourself.

Using Social Media for Business Boosts Your Site’s SEO

Search engine crawlers know which pages are consistently earning traffic and which are just floating out there, forgotten and ignored. A killer content strategy for SEO is the most important part of earning top spots in search engine rankings, but driving traffic to your optimized pages will cause them to climb much faster in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

Social Media Marketing Is Easily Sharable Marketing

A user can easily share any marketing activity or advertisement that’s posted up on a social media website.

This means that once you’ve shared a post, people will eventually ensure that it gets to your target market; the people who will actually benefit from your business.

A Strong Social Media Presence Builds Brand Loyalty

A report published by Texas Tech University found that brands with active social media profiles have more loyal customers. It’s easy to imagine why: when you’re engaging and interacting on social media (not just tossing your posts out onto the web hoping someone will stumble upon them) you become less like a corporation and more like what you truly are, a unified group of people who share a vision.

Social Media Gives You the Ability to Quickly Respond to Customers

Once you’ve shared any content on social media, it’s easy to keep track of customer responses and feedback given by social media users.

Besides making the necessary changes as soon as possible, you can even respond to your customer’s queries and messages. This will help you engage with the audience better so they keep coming back for more.

Customers You Didn’t Know Existed Will Find (and buy from you)

In the process of marketing with Facebook, you’ll probably join a ton of groups related to your products, industry and customer base. By posting links in these groups, you’ll help influence customers to check out your site. Answering questions on Quora is another option.

These are just a few ways in which companies can use social media. Without a strong social media presence, it’s impossible to survive in today’s market.

Contradiction Right??????????????????